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Every coming out story is unique.

What's yours?


November 27, 2019

When I came out, it was to a group of random strangers my age at a summer camp. I figured, “Well, since I’ll never see any of them again, I might as well say it”. Then, one of the other people there said they were gay, and I was like, that’s cool. Anyway, since then, I’ve been coming out to more and more people. For some strange reason, telling a bunch of random people that I’d never see again made me more comfortable with telling my friends. My parent have yet to find out…. (Genderqueer/13/Pan)

September 7, 2016

When I came out as a lesbian it was at the age of forty to my eight-year-old daughter. I was talking to her about different kinds of families and people and she asked if I was gay. I didn’t answer for a few minutes. I’d never really thought about my sexuality but suddenly everything in my life and all my confusion made sense. I told her that “Mommy IS gay” and asked if her if that was okay. She said it was so long as I “still bought her toys.”


November 8, 2019

When I came out, I was 12 when I told my friends that I was trans, and they said, “Oh that’s cool” but still always called me a girl and used my birth name. I told my parents on the 4th November 2018 and they kicked me out of the house. I’m back home now though, and my mom’s coming around, although my step-dad thinks it’s a massive joke (he thinks the same about my anxiety and depression). I suffer with really bad dysphoria but I haven’t self-harmed since 12th October and I’m very proud of myself. I now get called my preferred name and pronouns at school but my peers are transphobic and bully me. (Male [FtM]/13/Heterosexual)

October 24, 2019

When I came out to my parents (about half a year ago now) it wasn’t planned. I’d been planning for several years to go to a university of technology, so I’d often heard jokes about there being so many boys that they’d be fighting about me. Then one day we were in the kitchen preparing dinner, talking/joking about what I did at school when I wasn’t paying attention. My dad said, “Talking with your friends about boys you like” and I said, “About that; I’m a lesbian.” They were surprised (so much that some of the food got burnt :p) but supporting, my mother hugged me and said she’s proud. (F/18/Lesbian)


October 24, 2019

When I came out I wrote my mum a letter. My friend S helped me write it on video chat, and we were both crying. She was saying that she was forever proud of me, and I am so grateful for her. My mum read it late in the night after I placed it. She spoke to me the next morning, and told me that she loves me for who I am, and nothing will change that. (M/21/Queer)

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